10 Daily Tips to Live a Life you Love!

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1.    Be inventive – change one thing every day to make your life better

  • Choose a positive attitude
  • Take the scenic way to work

2.    Be healthy – make improved choices with food, friends, time; you know what that means

  • Limit or stop spending time with the nay-sayers
  • Grilled chicken instead of processed chicken fingers

3.    Be calm – spend 5 minutes doing nothing but breathing (no thinking)

  • Go sit in your car if that is the only place you can find to do this
  • Breathe deeply

4.    Be loving – hug everyone that will let you

  • Start with those you love most
  • Call someone who wants to hear from you and ‘hug’ them over the phone

5.    Be grateful – appreciate the little things

  • Notice how easy you got to work today
  • Quietly thank the flowers or the gorgeous white snow that creates amazing art

6.    Be kind – to everyone, including you

  • Open the door for a stranger because it feels good – not for the thank you
  • Overlook your mistakes for the day, five minutes late? So what – move on

7.    Be smart – commit to your very best every day

  • Shoot for 100%, but 80% could be your best some days – that’s ok – really, it is.
  • Choose the action that tracks back to your best – this feels amazing!

8.    Be trusting – allow change to occur

  • Flat tires, leaky faucets, lay-offs…they will happen. Choose a positive reaction and trust that with effort and patience, it will be ok.
  • Change is another way of opportunity dropping in your lap!

9.    Be playful – get moving and go play!

  • Use music when you clean the house
  • Let your kids decide the menu one day a week and teach them to cook

10.    Be joyful – look around, find the beauty, stand in awe (sunsets are great for this one!)

  • Joy is everywhere – You will find whatever it is you look for; it might as well be joy!
  • Close your eyes and remember joy as a child – find ways to recreate that experience
  • Choose one or two of these per week and begin to practice the life you want to create.